Category Archives: Press

Angstrom Advanced Atomic Force Microscopes: Modes

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Years of innovation and design have lead to the Angstrom Advanced Inc. AFMs leading the industry in high-precision, low noise, low drift and measurements, which deliver artifact-free images in minutes. Functionality, usability and precise results combined with large sample platforms which save time and hassle

Non-Contact AFM

Non-Contact AFM oscillates the cantilever at a constant frequency with an amplitude around 10 nm. The height of the surface can be found by measuring the output of the control loop which keeps the frequency constant. Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopes scan much quicker than contact microscopes because the tip does not fatigue. Non-contact AFM is also useful for measuring flexible samples. Contact AFM can scratch and alter the surface of softer samples. The contact method can penetrate through liquids while non-contact will read surface liquids as the sample surface.

Tapping Method

Tapping Atomic Force Microscopes have large oscillations in the tip (100 to 200 nm) which are damped by Van der Waals and dipole forces from the surface of the sample. This method is more gentle than the traditional contact method. The tapping method can also measure through liquid surfaces when used properly.

Conductive AFM Option (C-AFM)

CAFM measures both the surface topography and the conductivity of a samples. Voltage is applied to the tip and the current through the tip and sample is measured. It is used for semiconducting, low and medium conducting materials.

Contact Mode

The tip is always in contact with the sample surface in contact AFM. The deflection of the tip is measured and held constant by a feedback loop. The stiffness of the cantilever must be low enough to prevent the tip from altering the surface of the sample.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Angstrom Advanced Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STM) have a tip which is actuated in the vertical direction by a piezoelectric crystal. The readings from a scanning tunneling microscope are limited by the sharpness of the tip. STM is a different method of getting very similar results to AFM. It maintains a constant distance from the sample through a feedback controller to measure the surface of the sample.


Software Online Control Software and offline Image Processing Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000/9x

Angstrom Advanced Energy Article

Feb 25th 2013 Boston, United States

The leading clean energy magazine “Distributed Energy” has recently published an article about the cutting-edge technology Angstrom Advanced has developed to specially serve the Distributed Renewable Energy market: “Hydrogen is a very valuable alternative to fossil fuel for distributed energy generation, delivering a high-powered solution with minimal environmental and safety concerns. Green businesses, telecomm providers, governments, and renewable energy advocates can now produce on-demand energy for their assets, at minimal cost and using commercially available equipment. This article will look at the benefits associated with hydrogen and fuel cell energy systems compared to fossil fuel and chemical alternatives as well as the inherent costs associated with a fuel cell on-demand generator. This analysis will show that it is not only technically feasible to use hydrogen for on-demand energy in certain, but also that it can be more economic than the alternatives. Diesel generators are valuable when used only for applications that have short run times (less than eight hours per day) and where they are in proximity to a low-cost fuel source. For longer run times, and when used in more remote and extreme conditions, renewable hydrogen generators are an ideal solution for providing on-demand energy…

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.

25% US Renewable Electricity Standard Will Create 274,000 Jobs

A new study released by Navigant Consulting finds that a 25% by 2025 national Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) would support hundreds of thousands of new American jobs and prevent a near-term collapse in some industries. Job growth in the wind, solar, biomass, waste-to-energy and hydropower industries would particularly benefit the Southeastern U.S. and manufacturing states whose Congressional delegations have had a history of voting against incentives and other measures designed to support the renewable energy sector.

The “Job Impacts of a National Renewable Electricity Standard” study was released by the RES Alliance for Jobs and found that a 25% by 2025 national RES would support an additional 274,000 renewable energy jobs over a no-national policy option. The 25% figure is significantly higher than RES mandate in current legislation and the expected jobs supported in the current House and Senate provisions would be considerably lower. In addition, the study found that without stronger near-term targets than currently envisioned, industries like wind will experience flat job growth and long-term stagnation, while the U.S. biomass industry could collapse altogether.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.



MICROSCOPIOS CON FUERZA ATóMICA/SENSOR DE ESCANEO-Icluye AFM, STM, LFM, EFM. Todo nuestro productos vienen con estado de arte de technologia para satisfacer las aplicaciones más avansadas.

Angstrom Advanced es el principal proveedor de plantas de generadores de hidrógeno para refinerías, petroquímica y otras aplicaciones industriales. Nuestros servicios para proyectos de plantas de hidrógeno normalmente incluyen el diseño conceptual, ingeniería de detalle, suministro, fabricación, construcción, puesta en marcha y entrenamiento operacional. Proporcionamos una solución llave en mano a tanto alzado, la manipulación de todo, desde el concepto hasta la puesta en marcha con nuestros propios recursos siempre que sea posible. Nuestros instrumentos y plantas han sido entregados a muchas organizaciones reconocidas. El objetivo de Angstrom Advanced es proporcionar a nuestros clientes los mejores productos con más alto nivel de servicio a un precio rentable. Angstrom Advanced Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministros variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales.

La línea de producción de generadores de gas en Angstrom Advanced incluye Generador de Hidrógeno, Nitrógeno generador y Generador de Aire. Los generadores de combinación para ambos hidrógeno y nitrógeno, hidrógeno y aire están disponibles.

Microscopio de Barrido por Sonda / Microscopio de Fuerza Atómica

Microscopio de Fuerza Atómica / Microscopio de Barrido por Sondade Angstrom Advanced incluyen AFM, SPM, STM, LFM, EFM. Todos los productos traen estado de tecnología de punta para satisfacer las aplicaciones más avanzadas.

Nuestros instrumentos y plantas han sido entregados a muchas organizaciones reconocidas.

      AA2000 microscopio de fuerza atómica (AFM)

Combinado microscopio de fuerza atómica (AFM) y Lateral Microscopio de Fuerza (LFM)

AA5000 Multi-función de exploración de la sonda del microscopio (SPM) Sistemas

Una amplia gama de STM, AFM, LFM, AFM conductora, MFM, EFM, Control de SPM Ambiental y Nano-Procesamiento

Apertura OS-AA Multi-función de Barrido por Sonda Microscopio (SPM

Los instrumentos y plantas de Angstrom Advanced  han sido entregados a muchas organizaciones reconocidas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a nuestros clientes los mejores productos con más alto nivel de servicio a un precio rentable. Angstrom Advanced Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra una variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales. Con los mejores precios y un personal altamente capacitado, te garantizamos para satisfacer sus necesidades y trabajar con usted para obtener objetivos de su proyecto.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a nuestros clientes con los mejores productos con más alto nivel de servicio a un precio rentable


Detector de fallas de rayos X y Difractómetro de rayos X

 Rayos X ADX-2500 Difracción Instrumento

Angstrom Advanced
ADX-2500-ray X instrumento de difracción está diseñado para su aplicación en la medición de la microestructura, las pruebas y en profundidad investigaciones investigación. Con diferentes accesorios y el control correspondiente y software de cálculo, ADX-2500 es un sistema de difracción de acuerdo a las exigencias de la práctica en muchos campos.
Rayos X ADX-2500 instrumento de difracción proporciona el análisis de la estructura de cristal único, policristalino y amorfo sample.ADX-2500 es capaz de lo siguiente: fase de análisis cualitativo y el análisis cuantitativo (RIR, la calibración interna estándar, estándar de calibración externa, Aditivo criterio) , patrón de indexación, la determinación celda unidad y el refinamiento, tamaño de los cristalitos y la determinación cepa, el perfil de ajuste y refinamiento de la estructura, la determinación de la tensión residual, análisis de la textura (ODF expresa figura polar tridimensional), la estimación de áreas de los picos de cristalinidad, análisis de película delgada y otros.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales

Generador de aire HYA-2L (5L) y HYA-10L (20L) Generador de aire

HYA serie Generador de Aire

Los estabilizadores de presión y el exceso de presión protectores para mejorar la estabilidad del f Los generadores de aire serie HYA (HYA-2L, el AH-5L, el AH-10L y 20L-HYA) de Angstrom Advanced utilizan bombas de lujo de gas y garantizar la seguridad y fiabilidad de la producción de gas. También están equipadas con agua y filtrado de polvo. El tanque de gas está hecho de acero inoxidable en el aire que cuentan con poco ruido y gran caudal. El sistema de ruta de gas adopta dos niveles de ugar de acero al carbono tradicional y es útil para mejorar la pureza del gas producido. Los generadores de la serie HYA son ideales para el sistema de cromatógrafo de gases.

El uso de tanque de gas de acero puede evitar la oxidación que ocurre con los tanques de gas de acero al carbono.
El sistema de limpieza, que se compone de sala de carbón activo, filtros y un separador de humedad, mejora la pureza del aire producido.
La adopción de un estabilizador de tensión adicional mejora la firmeza de la presión del gas.
El uso de un protector de la presión de aire asegura la seguridad y fiabilidad de la producción de aire.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales

Planta de Metanol Generadora de Hidrogeno


Generación de hidrógeno por descomposición de metanol fue desarrollado en las últimas dos décadas.
Esta tecnología ofrece bajo costo, simple operación de uso fácil y muy fácil mantenimiento.


Capacidad  H2 5-3000 Nm3 / h
Pureza  H2% 99 a 99,9995%
Presión de trabajo  0.8-2.0MPa

Planta de Hidrógeno por Metanol Características
El metanol se convierte en CO y H2 con la acción del catalizador
CO y H2O se convierten en CO2 y H2 con la acción del catalizador
CO2 y CO rastro se separan de los gases descompuestos por la tecnología PSA, y se genera alta pureza de H2

Generador de hidrógeno por descomposición de amoníaco con Sistema de Purificación de Angstrom Advanced es de muy bajo costo; que tiene una larga vida útil, de fácil operación,
estructura compacta, pequeña cobertura, y muy sencillo de instalar. El amoníaco líquido se utiliza como fuente de generador de hidrógeno. El líquido
amoníaco se vaporiza y se calienta por la descomposición con el catalizador en el gas mezclado que contiene 75% de hidrógeno y 25% de nitrógeno.
Basándose en el principio de que el tamiz molecular se adsorbe diferente amoníaco y agua a diferentes temperaturas; gas de alta pureza es
producido por regeneración de calor a través de trabajo a temperatura normal.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales



Capacidad H2           5-500 Nm3 / h

Impureza de oxígeno     ≤2ppm
Amoníaco residual       ≤3ppm
Punto de rocío          ≤-65C
Presión de trabajo        0,05-0,2 MPa

Introducción a Hidrógeno

El hidrógeno es un elemento químico con un peso atómico de 1.00794 dalton. Su símbolo químico es H con un número atómico de 1, por lo que es la primera, y más ligero, el elemento que aparece en la tabla periódica de elementos. En su forma más básica, el hidrógeno representa aproximadamente el 75% de toda la materia de partículas en el universo. El hidrógeno se clasifica como un no metal diatómico. A la presión estándar (1 bar o aproximadamente 14,5 PSI) y la temperatura los valores (32 ° F 0 ° C o), el hidrógeno es inodoro e insípido no tóxico gas incoloro,,,, altamente combustible con la fórmula molecular H2. La mayor parte de hidrógeno existe en la Tierra como parte de compuestos orgánicos, tales como el agua. Esto es porque el hidrógeno puede formar fácilmente enlaces covalentes con la mayoría de otros elementos no metálicos.

La compra de un generador de hidrógeno

Hay una serie de cosas que uno debe tener en cuenta al comprar un generador de hidrógeno o de comenzar un proyecto de hidrógeno planta generadora. La primera cosa a considerar es el marco de tiempo y si el hidrógeno o ni siquiera es la solución adecuada a sus necesidades de proyectos. Los siguientes puntos resumen el resto de las consideraciones que debemos de  hacer antes de comprar cualquier tipo de equipo de generación de hidrógeno con Angstrom Advanced.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales

La pureza del hidrógeno requerido
La presión del gas producido
Dimensiones del espacio disponible
Identificar y anular los riesgos de incendio
Descripción del proceso – ¿Qué tipo de producción de hidrógeno es el más apropiado para sus     objetivos?
Descripción de la instalación – ¿Cómo se va a almacenar el hidrógeno generado? ¿Cuál es el propósito final de la planta / generador?
Instrumentos de control de la planta – ¿Cómo va a ser controlado por el proceso de producción?

Angstrom Advanced Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales.

Nos damos cuenta de que de vez en cuando un proyecto ya esté en marcha sin todos los detalles preliminares funcionó todavía. En Angstrom Advanced contamos con un equipo de ingenieros especializados que pueden ayudarle con sus necesidades de proyectos. Angstrom Advanced ha estado llevando adelante los últimos avances en todos los campos de la tecnología y fue fundada por un grupo de ingenieros que se dio cuenta de la importancia de la energía verde y renovable utilizando hidrógeno para bien de la humanidad. Angstrom Advanced sirve el centro de las escuelas de tecnología, laboratorios de investigación y los institutos, la sostenibilidad del negocio, y la industria que nos convierte en un desarrollador y fabricante líder de plantas y sistemas de generación de hidrógeno.

Aprenda más acerca de la tecnología de producción de hidrógeno avanzada Angstrom específica con nuestra Base Tech: Tipos de página Generadores de hidrógeno. Por supuesto, también se puede aprender más acerca de nuestros productos generadores de hidrógeno vistando nuestro sitio web en y como siempre, en contacto con nosotros para cotizaciones personalizadas y para discutir su proyecto. Ya se trate de una solución portátil de hidrógeno a pequeña escala para la alimentación de equipos de laboratorio, o un sistema de energía distribuida a gran escala, Angstrom Advanced cubre todo. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a nuestros clientes los mejores productos con más alto nivel de servicio a un precio rentable. Nuestros instrumentos y plantas han sido entregados a muchas organizaciones reconocidas.

Generadoras de Nitrógeno e Hidrógeno

Angstrom Advanced Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales.

Angstrom Advanced es el principal proveedor de plantas de generadores de hidrógeno para refinerías, petroquímica y otras aplicaciones industriales. Los  servicios de Angstrom Advanced para proyectos de plantas de hidrógeno normalmente incluyen el diseño conceptual, ingeniería de detalle, suministro, fabricación, construcción, puesta en marcha y entrenamiento operacional. Angstrom Advanced proporciona una solución llave en mano a tanto alzado, la manipulación de todo, desde el concepto hasta la puesta en marcha con nuestros propios recursos siempre que sea posible.

La línea de producción de generadores de gas incluye Generador de Hidrógeno, Nitrógeno generador y Generador de Aire. Los generadores de combinación para ambos hidrógeno y nitrógeno, hidrógeno y aire están disponibles. Estos generadores tienen estado de la tecnología más avanzada, la estabilidad y la funcionalidad de los instrumentos científicos, la industria y la energía solar y eólica.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales

Angstrom Advanced Inc

Angstrom Advanced Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales.

Angstrom Advanced ofrece plantas generadoras de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para refinería, petroquímica y otras aplicaciones industriales que son muy eficaz , de buena reputación y aceptado por el mundo entero. Los servicios de Angstrom Advanced para los proyectos de plantas de hidrógeno típicamente incluyen un diseño conceptual, ingeniería de detalle, procura fabricación, construcción, puesta en marcha y entrenamiento operacional. La línea de producción de generadores de gas incluye la planta de hidrógeno, planta de nitrógeno y planta de aire. Las planta combinadas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno de Angstrom Advanced  y aire e hidrógeno están disponibles. Estos generadores tienen estado de tecnología mas avanzada, la estabilidad y la funcionalidad de los instrumentos científicos, la industria y la energía solar y eólica. Angstrom Advanced ofrece una suma global, solución llave en mano, el manejo de todo, desde el concepto hasta la puesta en marcha con sus propios recursos siempre que sea posible.

Angstrom avanzada Inc. diseña, fabrica y suministra variedad de instrumentos científicos y plantas de hidrógeno y nitrógeno para los campos académicos e industriales


AA5000 Multi-function SPM Systems

 AA5000 Multi-function SPM Systems

Angstrom Advanced Inc. offers a wide variety of atomic force microscopes (AFM’s) to suit your research needs. Angstrom Advanced Inc AA5000 Scanning Probe Microscope is Angstrom’s most innovative model. Angstrom Advanced AA5000 features a full coverage of SPM techniques – STM, AFM, LFM Conductive AFM, MFM, EFM, Environmental Control SPM and Nano-Processing. Angstrom Advanced AA5000 is designed to provide images of atomic scale up to 100 micrometer. With a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) TMS320C642 inside the system,  AA5000 can handle complicated multi-functional tasks efficiently. A real-time operating system of SPM/DNA is embedded in the AA5000 SPM system. Years of innovation and design have lead to the Angstrom Advanced Inc. AFMs leading the industry in high-precision, low noise, low drift and measurements, which deliver artifact-free images in minutes. Functionality, usability and precise results combined with large sample platforms which save time and hassle.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields. .

  • Multi-function: AFM, LFM, STM, Conductive AFM, MFM and EFM;
  • Multi-Mode: Contacting Mode, Tapping Mode, Phase Imaging and Lifting Mode;
  • SPM can be in liquid;
  • Real-time temperature and humidity detecting;
  • Force Analysis: I-V Curve, I-Z Curve, Force Curve and Amplitude Curve;
  • Nano-Processing and manipulating: Lithography Mode and Vector Scan Mode;
  • Fast automatically tip-engaging
  • Simply change of the tip holder to switch between STM and AFM;
  • Full digital control, auto system status recognition;
  • Adjustable lightening inside
  • With a 32-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) from Texas Instruments, 4.8 billion times of calculation per second can be achieved;
  • Controller and Computer connected through a 10M/100M Fast Ethernet;
  • Large sample size: up to diameter 45mm, 30mm thick;
  • Online Control Software and offline Image Processing Software for Windows;
  • Trace-Retrace scan, Back-Forward scan;
  • Online real-time 3D image;
  • Automatically Brightness and Contrast refresh;
  • Data can be loaded out for further analysis;
  • Nano-Movie function: Continuous data collection, storage and replay;
  • Multi-Analysis: Granularity and Roughness;
  • Tip Estimation and Image Re-construction;
  • Modularized design for convenience of maintenance and future upgrade;
  • Second display monitor and optical microscope system attachable;
Functions Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) which has full coverage of Contacting Mode,
Tapping Mode, Phase Imaging and Lifting Mode;
Lateral Force Microscope (LFM);
Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM);
Conductive AFM, SPM in liquid, Environmental Control SPM;
Nano-Processing System including Lithography Mode and Vector Scan Mode;
Resolution AFM: 0.26nm lateral, 0.1nm vertical;
STM: 0.13nm lateral, 0.01nm vertical;
Technical Parameters
  • Current Sensitivity: less than or equal to 10pA;
  • Force Sensitivity: less than or equal to 5pN;
  • Image Pixels: 128×128, 256×256, 512×512, 1024×1024, 2048×2048;
  • Scan Angle: 0-360 degree adjustable;
  • Scan Rate: 0.1-100Hz adjustable;
  • Pre-setting Tunneling Current: 0.001-10nA Bias: -10-+10V;
  • Temperature Sensitivity: 0.1Celsius, Humidity Sensitivity: 0.5%RH;
  • Sample Size: Up to 50mmx50mm, 30mm thick;
  • Engagement: Auto engagement with travel distance of 30mm and precision of 50nm;
  • Online Control Software and offline Image Processing Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000/9x;
Electronics CPU: 32-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) at 600MHz from Texas Instruments;
DAC: 20 channels of 16-bit DAC;
ADC: 20 channels of 16-bit ADC;
Communication Interface: 10M/100M Fast Ethernet;

Angstrom Advanced AA3000 Scanning Probe Microscope

angstrom advanced afm aa3000
Angstrom Advanced AA3000 Scanning Probe Microscope

Angstrom Advanced Inc. offers a wide variety of atomic force microscopes (AFM’s) to suit your research needs. Angstrom Advanced AA3000 Scanning Probe Microscope is our most popular model. This unit is tailored towards research and industry applications, where the user is required to perform rapid and simple analysis. The detector is built directly into the base, eliminating the chance of damaging it through handling.  AA3000 is capable of performing contact mode, tapping mode, lateral force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. The standard unit is equipped to view sample areas up to 10 micron by 10 micron. The system can be customized to measure larger areas. With a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) TMS320C642 inside the systems, AA3000 can handle complicated multi-functional tasks efficiently. A real-time operating system of SPM/DNA is embedded in AA3000 SPM system.  AFMs leading the industry in high-precision, low noise, low drift and measurements, which deliver artifact-free images in minutes. Functionality, usability and precise results combined with large sample platforms which save time and hassle. Angstrom Advanced Inc. Our corporate headquarters are located in Massachusetts, USA. We have numerous partnerships and representatives in countries around the world.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.


High Performance 

  • Atomic-scale of resolution
  • Large sample size
  • DSP (Digital Signal Processor)- for great performance
  • Real time operating system embedded
  • Fast Ethernet connection with computer


  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
  • Lateral Force Microscope (LFM)
  • Force Analysis: I-V Curve, I-Z Curve, Force Curve
  • Online real-time 3D image for better observation
  • Multi-channel signals for more sample details
  • Trace-Retrace scan, Back-Forward scan
  • Multi-Analysis: Granularity and Roughness
  • Data load-out for further analysis

Easy Operation

  • Fast automatically tip-engaging
  • Simple change of the tip holder to switch between STM and AFM
  • Full digital control, auto system status recognition
  • Software-based sample movement
  • Nano-Movie function: Continuous data collection, storage and replay
  • Modularized design for convenient maintenance and future upgrades
Functions Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Scanning Tunneling Microscope(STM)
Lateral Force Microscope (LFM)
Resolution AFM: 0.26nm lateral, 0.1nm vertical
Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
Technical Parameters X-Y scan scope:~10 micrometer
Z distance: ~2 micrometer
Image Pixels: 128×128, 256×256, 512×512, 1024×1024
Scan Angle: 0~360degree
Scan Rate: 0.1~100Hz
Electronics CPU: 32-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) at 600MHz from Texas Instruments;
Fast16-bit DAC
Fast16-bit ADC
High Voltage: 5 channel
Communication Interface: 10M/100M Fast Ethernet
Mechanics Sample Size: Up to 45mm in diameter, reach 15mm when use a AA2000/AA3000,and reach 30mm when use the AA5000;
Engagement: Auto engagement with travel distance of 30mm and precision of 50nm;
Software Online Control Software and offline Image Processing Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000/9x

Angstrom Advanced AA2000 Atomic Force Microscope

Angstrom Advanced AA2000 Atomic Force Microscope . Angstrom Advanced AFM scientists and technical support staff provide premier service world wide to assist in much needed research. Angstrom Advanced Inc. offers a wide variety of atomic force microscopes (AFM’s) to suit your research needs.  All of the products bring state the art technology to meet the most advanced applications. 

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.


High Performance

  • Atomic-scale of resolution
  • Large sample size
  • DSP(Digital Signal Processing) for great performance
  • Real time operating system embedded
  • Fast Ethernet connection with computer


  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • Lateral Force Microscope (LFM)
  • Force Analysis: I-V Curve, I-Z Curve, Force Curve
  • Online real-time 3D image for better observation
  • Multi-channel signals for more sample details
  • Trace-Retrace scan, Back-Forward scan
  • Multi-Analysis: Granularity and Roughness
  • Data load-out for further analysis

Easy Operation

  • Fast automatically tip-engaging
  • Easy change of the tip holder, for simple switching between STM and AFM
  • Full digital control, auto system status recognition
  • Software-based sample movement
  • Nano-Movie function: Continuous data collection, storage and replay
  • Modularized design for convenient maintenance and future upgrades
Functions Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Lateral Force Microscope (LFM)
Resolution AFM: 0.26nm lateral, 0.1nm vertical
Technical Parameters X-Y scan scope:~10 micrometer
Z distance:~2 micrometer
Image Pixels:128X128, 256X256, 512X512, 1024X1024
Scan Angle:0~360 degree
Scan Rate: 0.1~100Hz
Electronics CPU: 32-bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) at 600MHz from Texas Instruments;
Fast16-bit DAC
Fast16-bit ADC
High Voltage: 5 channel
Communication Interface: 10M/100M Fast Ethernet
Mechanics Sample Size: Up to 45mm in diameter, reach 15mm when use a AA2000/AA3000,and reach 30mm when use the AA5000;
Engagement: Auto engagement with travel distance of 30mm and precision of 50nm
Software Online Control Software and offline Image Processing Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000/9x

Angstrom Advanced Air Generator (HYA-2L (5L) and HYA-10L (20L)

HYA-2L (5L) and HYA-10L (20L) Air generator by Angstrom Advanced

Angstrom Advanced HYA series portable air generators (HYA-2L, HYA-5L, HYA-10L and HYA-20L) use air pumps that feature low noise and large flow rate. The gas route system adopts two levels of pressure stabilizers and over-pressure protectors to improve the stability of gas flow and ensure the safety and reliability of the gas production. They are also equiped with water and dust filtering. The gas tank is made of stainless steel instead of traditional carbon steel and is helpful for improving purity of the produced gas. Angstrom Advanced HYA series generators are ideal for the Gas Chromatograph system. The HYA series generators are ideal for the Gas Chromatograph system.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields. Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations.

Angtrom Advanced HGN-300 and HGN-500 Nitrogen Generator

HGN-300 and HGN-500 Nitrogen Generator by Angstrom Advanced

 Angstrom Advanced HGN-300 & HGN-500 nitrogen gas generators utilize theories of physical adsorption and electrochemical seperation and use rare metal as catalytic agent. The instrument can directly extract highly pure (as high as 99.999%) nitrogen from the air. There is no need of deoxidation. The generators are compact and advanced in technology. The internal mechanisms that run this generator are integrated with the latest electrolytic cell technology, using stainless steel alloy as its hard body. The new ergonomic design and user-friendly interface have been modified for comfort and reliability for the consumer.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

  • The electrolysis pool is made of stainless steel and it can store liquid, electrolysis of nitrogen and release oxygen at the same time
  • Large electrolysis area, low temperature of the pool and high nitrogen production,
  • The generator has a specially designed unit that prevents liquid from backflowing
  • Protection against over pressure and over flow
  • Very stable performance and long lifetime
  • The flow rate is displayed using digital LED display
  • Compact size, light weight, and ease of operation.
Purity of produced Nitrogen 99.999%
Output flow HGN-300 type: 0-300 ml/min
HGN-500 type: 0-500 ml/min
Work pressure 0 – 0.4 MPa
Input air pressure 0.4 – 0.5 MPa
Power Supply AC 220V/50Hz, 110V/60Hz
The maximal power consumption 100 W
Input air discharge more than or equal to 600 ml/min
Weight 21 kg

Angstrom Advanced HGH10000/17000/85000/170000 Large Hydrogen Generator

HGH10000/17000/85000/170000 Large Hydrogen Generator by Angstrom Advanced

Angstrom Advanced HGH10000 series hydrogen generators are advanced and fully patented products that produce pure hydrogen through the electrolysis of pure water (without adding alkali). They are light, highly effective, energy-saving and environmentally friendly. HGH series hydrogen generators can be used in the fields that need hydrogen of high flow and purity. The generator is used in the chemical industry, hydrogenation, reduction protection, metal welding, smelting, power station cooling, hydrogen station producing hydrogen, surface protection, spacecrafts, submarines, heavy hydrogen, heavy oxygen water and others. These generators have state of the art technology, stability and functionality for scientific instruments, industry and solar and wind energy.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

  • The SPE electrodes, the core of the product, are highly active catalytic electrodes with nearly zero distance between the electrodes. SPE electrodes are formed by integrating composite catalyst with an ion membrane with high electrolytic efficiency
  • The main components are manufactured using top-grade engineering plastics and metal
  • HGH series hydrogen generators with stable gas flow can be used to completely replace hydrogen cylinder safely and conveniently
  • HGH series hydrogen generators are widely used. Their advanced design is combined with reliable quality, high automaticity, perfect electric control system and high output to create pure generated hydrogen
Type HGH-10000 HGH-17000 HGH-85000 HGH-170000
Output Flow(m3/h) 0.6 1 5 10
Output Pressure (MPa)
0.02~0.4 (output under stable pressure)
Output Pressure Fluctuation Rate (%)
Hydrogen Purity (%)


Secondary Pressure Protector (MPa)
Input Power(KW) 3.5 5.8 29 58
Power Voltage(V)

220V/380V 50~60Hz

Water Requirement
water electrical resistivity ≥1MΩ/cm

Angstrom Advanced HGH3000/5000 Hydrogen Generator

HGH3000/5000 Hydrogen Generator by Angstrom Advanced

Angstrom Advanced would like to introduce its latest Model in Hydrogen Generation Technology: The HGH3000 and HGH5000 Hydrogen Generator. Angstrom Advanced HGH5000 has been designed to supply the highest purified hydrogen and it meets high levels of expectations in the demanding markets.
The internal mechanisms that run this generator are integrated with the latest electrolytic cell technology, using stainless steel alloy as its hard body. The new ergonomic design and user-friendly interface have been modified for comfort and reliability for the consumer. These generators have state of the art technology, stability and functionality for scientific instruments, industry and solar and wind energyAngstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

Angstrom Advanced HGH-300 and HGH-500 Hydrogen Generator

HGH-300 and HGH-500 Hydrogen Generator by Angstrom Advanced

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.

  • It is very easy to operate — all you need is to turn on the switch.
    Angstrom Advanced HGH-300 and HGH-500 high purity hydrogen generators are based on the technology of astronautic fuel cells, in which hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water, and the produced oxygen is released into the atmosphere. The generator consists of electrolyzing/separating pool, power supply, pressure control, desiccation & purification, flow display etc. The core part — electrolyzing & separating pool, uses a tube shaped positive pole and a plate shaped negative pole. Both poles are made of stainless steel. The electrolyzing & separating pools store electrolytes, produce hydrogen as well as release hydrogen at the same time. Angstrom Advanced products bring state the art technology to meet the most advanced applications.
    Angstrom Advanced HGH series hydrogen generators have the advantages of large electrolyzing area, low temperature of the pool, better performance, high production and high purity of hydrogen. The instrument has been specially designed to prevent liquid from back-flowing.Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizationsOur instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.
  • The pressure of released hydrogen is steady. The flow rate is digitally displayed on the LED display.
  • The only material that the instruments consume is distilled water.
  • The liquid storage, hydrogen electrolyzing and desorbing are integrated together in the instrument
  • The generator features large electrolyzing area, low pool temperature, long service life combined with high production and high purity of hydrogen.
  • The instrument has specially designed components that prevent liquid from back-flowing. As a result, there is no need to change the discolored silica gel frequently.
  • The adoption of the advanced power switches improves the electrolytic efficiency.
  • The generator is a great substitute of high-pressure steel bottles used in the laboratory application.
Hydrogen Purity 99.999%
Output Flow HGH-300 type: 0-300 ml/min
HGH-500 type: 0-500 ml/min
Output Pressure 0 ~ 0. 4MPa ( 0.4±0.01MPa)
Power Supply 220VAC at 50Hz or 110VAC at 60Hz
Maximum Power 180 W

Angstrom Advanced Liquid Nitrogen/Oxygen/Argon Plant by Cryogenic Technology

Product Description

Angstrom Advanced Liquid Nitrogen/Oxygen/Argon Plants by Cryogenic Technology are top of the line systems. Our generator applications cover a range of production rates depending on the settings employed: Oxygen: 5~10,000L/H, Nitrogen: 5~10,000L/H, and Argon: 1~500L/H. The Cryogenic Engine features Fully Automatic G-M cold head with integral controls. It also includes high efficiency frequency drive with water cooling or optional air cooling. Fully automatic programmable logic controls (PLC) provide many features and modes including auto start, timed run, auto purge, etc. At the time of the order, an Optional Chiller can be attached to the liquifier unit to allow continuous operation up to 45 C. The output purity of each gas generated from the plant are as follows: Nitrogen-99.9999% Oxygen -99.95% Argon -99.9999%.  Angstrom Advanced services for hydrogen plant projects typically include conceptual design, detailed engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, start-up and operational training.  These generators have state of the art technology, stability and functionality for scientific instruments, industry and solar and wind energy.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.


Angstrom Advanced Inc. System Introduction

Because of its unique design in the electric system and controlling capability, Angstrom Advanced Renewable Power Generating System can adapt 100% fluctuating power from wind turbines/solar panels, and realize 100% utilization of renewable power during the hydrogen production.

Currently, this patented technology can be applied in 2NM3 – 1000NM3/Hour hydrogen generating systems, and therefore Angstrom Advanced Inc. could provide a variety of renewable energy generating systems, customized for different clients. This technology represents a bright future of massive production and utilization of hydrogen in the 21st century. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing. These generators have state of the art technology, stability and functionality for scientific instruments, industry and solar and wind energy. Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

Hydrogen on the Rise: A renewable energy based storage solution

Hydrogen electrolysis generator

A new application of hydrogen is being deployed that’s helping solve humanity’s ever-evolving energy woes. Traditionally, hydrogen has a large number of applications, used in everything from industrial products to food packaging. It’s also a primary component in ammonia. Ammonia used in fertilizer and industrial processes amounted to 160 million-tons worldwide in 2011 alone.

Not surprisingly, the market demand for new, less expensive sources of hydrogen is driven heavily by fertilizer and manufacturing processes. However, a new market demand is emerging for hydrogen in another sector: energy. Power plants in Germany and in Canada (using wind and natural gas, respectively) are today supplementing their primary electrical generators with advanced configurations of hydrogen technologies. These retrofits help plants save money by smoothing supply, and converting excess electricity generated into storable hydrogen gas, which can be returned to electricity using a turbine generator or a fuel cell.

For natural gas-fired plants, there are enormous expenses associated with starting the generators from scratch—from the amount of fuel it takes to the time it takes to gain momentum. To mitigate this concern, operators often continuously run their turbines, regardless of electricity demands. Fuel and energy are, therefore, wasted, as the additional electricity generated is more than the plant will be paid for or is expected to supply.

Wind farms face a similar supply-demand problem. Although wind is free (unlike natural gas), it’s often generated at times when there isn’t a demand for the electricity (off-peak hours). As a result, there tends to be an abundant supply of low-cost, renewable energy that goes unused, and never paid for.

The hydrogen solution
To cut costs and expand margins, the hydrogen power plant strategy is simple: store extra electricity supply as high-energy hydrogen gas, and deliver it later as electricity, when it’s not only in demand but also revenue-generating.

In the last two years, there’s been a lot of public and private attention directed at hydrogen technologies, especially in distributed generation and renewable hydrogen energy. To be clear, hydrogen is an energy carrier, not a source, as it doesn’t actually make energy. It needs the reaction with a catalyst and oxygen to release its contained energy, which often occurs in a fuel cell. Hydrogen is not naturally occurring anywhere on earth, such as oil or coal or even sunlight. Rather, hydrogen must be obtained from processes like electrolysis (running direct current through water to make H2), or reforming natural gas (which contains hydrogen). As this first method demands energy usually derived from fossil fuel, and the latter is derived directly from a fossil fuel, it’s seems reasonable to question hydrogen as a clean energy solution.

Hydrogen produces only pure water when used for energy, so if it takes carbon-intensive fuels to make the hydrogen, then why explore it as a source of clean energy? Fortunately, there are many sources of energy in the world that don’t contain fossil fuels. Indeed, hydrogen can—and has been—created through electrolysis powered by clean energy, and more projects combining renewable energy and hydrogen are being developed right now.

Hydrogen & wind
In no industry are the benefits of supplemental hydrogen systems more apparent than for wind energy. Diminishing tax credits and subsidies have encouraged developers, operators, and owners to explore new ways to increase margins on current and developing wind projects. Additionally, in the wind industry, everyone knows and fears the concept of “curtailment”—the forced shutdown of renewable energy infrastructure by utilities or other PPA recipients. Curtailment occurs when the grid is overloaded by electrical supply, and utilities have contracts with suppliers other than renewable wind and solar. When curtailment occurs, wind turbines and solar panels lay idle. During curtailment, renewable energy operators’ assets sit and depreciate, generating little or no revenue. In certain regions, like Texas and Oklahoma, curtailment occurs as often as 50% of generating time.

A hydrogen-based energy storage system provides operators of wind-generation assets a solution to the issues of curtailment and diminished returns from generating during off-peak hours. Storing less valuable energy generated in curtailment or off-peak periods, wind farm operators can return the energy to the grid in higher value, on-peak times, using a hydrogen fuel cell. The differences in tariff prices written into wind farm PPAs is often considerable enough to consider storage, and many inherent characteristics of fuel cell technology make it a front-runner for future energy storage projects.

Hydrogen & energy storage
In a commercial sense, the hydrogen debate has been gridlocked for years, without much attention in political and business agendas because of the perceived high costs of the technology. Today, new technologies and unique business models present a strong case for implementing hydrogen-based energy storage—especially when paired with intermittent renewable energy sources. Compared to alternate energy storage methods, hydrogen has real advantages that all consummate cost reduction and margin expansion.

For one, the cost of electrolyzers (what makes hydrogen from electricity) has decreased 25% in the last 10 years, and new innovations in fuel cell technology have made the systems more efficient. Consider that the average US coal-fired power plants are 40% efficient. And, the round-trip efficiency of hydrogen storage systems (“round-trip” referring to the energy loop of electricity-to-hydrogen-to-electricity again) has now reached 45% efficiency. Electrolysis techniques have reduced the need for additional transformers, so systems can adapt to the current and voltage of wind turbines and transmission facilities. This reduces capital cost for additional transformers and increases system efficiency due to the system losses associated with transformer technology.

Secondly, fuel cells are a much more suitable storage technology for grid applications because they provide a constant level of energy, as opposed to alternative methods such as batteries or compressed air, which decrease in output over time.

Niche markets appear to be fully embracing the potential of hydrogen. Germany already has hydrogen-power plants, and a new transportation project that’s building 50 new refueling stations to supply hydrogen-powered vehicles. In the US, hydrogen buses are in operation in Austin, Birmingham, Cleveland, and several other cities. There’s also a large bus fleet in Reykjavik, Iceland where there’s a vast supply of renewable energy to cheaply create hydrogen fuel. OEM are already predicting an energy market transformation with a planned rollout of hydrogen, fuel cell vehicles starting in 2014 from Mercedes Benz, BMW, Toyota, General Motors, Nissan, Honda, and Ford. Hydrogen energy, it seems, is no longer an idyllic power solution but, rather, a market-based clean energy solution.
Samuel Sterling is a marketing and business development consultant for Angstrom Advanced Inc.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. is a technology manufacturer that specializes in designing and deploying residential, commercial, and industrial-scale electrolyzers used for renewable energy storage, transportation fuel, natural gas plant peaking, distributed generation, and more.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

Main Principle of a Hydrogen Generator by Methanol

The mixed gas after reaction is passed though the heat exchanger to have the heat exchanged with feed gas in order to recover part of heat and then fed further into the gas-liquid separation buffer to separate the unreacted methanol and water, prior to passing to the condenser and cooling gas dryer for condensation in order to ensure the methanol in the reforming gas to meet the specified quality. The liquid from condensation and separation is the mixture of methanol and water, which are returned back to the feedstock tank for reuse. The reformed gas enters a set of PSA system, which separates all impurities through the adsorption and separation in one time. The hydrogen purification through Angstrom Advanced PSA is adopted in the manner of 4-1-2/P and desorption at the atmospheric pressure (4 absorbers, one absorber is in adsorption, 2 times of pressure equalization). Each adsorber in a cycle undergoes adsorption (A); equalized pressure-drop for the first time (E1D); equalized pressure-drop for the second time (E2D); cis-exhale (PP), inverse purge (D); flushing (P); equalized pressure increase for the second time (E2R); equalized pressure increase for the first time (E1R) and the final pressurisation (FR). The four adsorbers shift regularly, alternating between adsorption and regeneration, according to the arranged program in a closed loop. In this way raw gas feeds and hydrogen withdraws continuously. There are a small amount of carbon monoxide and about 35%(v/v) hydrogen in the desorbed off gas. If it is recovered and used as fuel, it brings the benefit of saving energy and minimizing the pollution. With the best rates and a highly trained staff, we guarantee to meet your needs and work with you to obtain your project goals.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing

Nitrogen Generating Plant (Angstrom Advanced Knowledge base)

The technology of air-to-nitrogen production with the use of adsorption processes in nitrogen generators is well studied and widely applied at industrial facilities for the recovery of high-purity nitrogen. The operating principle of a nitrogen generator utilizing the adsorption technology is based on the dependence of the adsorption rates featured by various gas mixture components upon pressure and temperature factors. Among nitrogen adsorption plants of various types, Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plants have found the broadest application world-wide. The system’s design is based on the regulation of gas adsorption and adsorbent regeneration by means of changing pressures in two adsorber–adsorbent-containing vessels. This process requires constant temperature, close to ambient. With this process, nitrogen is produced by the plant at the above-atmospheric pressure, while the adsorbent regeneration is accomplished at below-atmospheric pressure. The swing adsorption process in each of the two adsorbers consists of two stages running for a few minutes. At the adsorption stage the adsorbent serves to adsorb predominantly one of the gas mixture components with the recovery of product nitrogen. At the regeneration stage the adsorbed component is released from the adsorbent and is vented in the atmosphere.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing

Angstrom Advanced – A Profitable, Clean Tech Solution to Grid Congestion in China

Boston, MA United States

Angstrom Advanced Inc has paid a lot of attention to what is going on in China, especially the renewable energy section. The leading magazine “Energy Digital” recently published an article from Verde about this market opportunity:

“As China’s economy rapidly grows, the energy sector faces two major challenges: an imbalance of supply and demand and a lack of distribution and transmission infrastructure.

As by far the largest wind power market in the world (with 63 GW installed capacity), China gets more than 30% of its wind market’s revenue from federal subsidies—an exceptional amount of support from the government that has adversely caused a massive oversupply issue. In 2011, abandoned wind power amounted to over 10 billion KWh, exceeding 50 percent of the industry’s profit. Much of that energy was wasted, mostly positioned near farms lacking sufficient distribution/transmission infrastructure capable of moving excess energy to areas of higher demand. Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing.

Click here to read more about this article

Distributed Energy Article about Angstrom Advanced Inc

Feb 25th 2013 Boston, United States

The leading clean energy magazine “Distributed Energy” has recently published an article about the cutting-edge technology Angstrom Advanced has developed to specially serve the Distributed Renewable Energy market: “Hydrogen is a very valuable alternative to fossil fuel for distributed energy generation, delivering a high-powered solution with minimal environmental and safety concerns. Green businesses, telecomm providers, governments, and renewable energy advocates can now produce on-demand energy for their assets, at minimal cost and using commercially available equipment. This article will look at the benefits associated with hydrogen and fuel cell energy systems compared to fossil fuel and chemical alternatives as well as the inherent costs associated with a fuel cell on-demand generator. This analysis will show that it is not only technically feasible to use hydrogen for on-demand energy in certain, but also that it can be more economic than the alternatives. Diesel generators are valuable when used only for applications that have short run times (less than eight hours per day) and where they are in proximity to a low-cost fuel source. For longer run times, and when used in more remote and extreme conditions, renewable hydrogen generators are an ideal solution for providing on-demand energy.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.

Click here to read more about this article

Gas World Article about Angstrom Advanced Inc

Feb 25th 2013 Boston, United States

The leading Magazine in Biomass field, Gas World, published an article about the Hydrogen Reformer technology of Angstrom Advanced Inc. This is another recognition of Angstrom’s cutting edge technical innovation and its fast expanding fame in the industry: “Here and now gasification plants have the functionality to make the hydrogen economy a real possibility. Greatly reducing the cost of hydrogen production by using renewable resources and advanced, reliable processing techniques enables a gasification plant to produce valuable hydrogen product from waste materials. While the technology is available to enable this functionality, however, most plants opt to simply create SynGas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.) However, as market demand for hydrogen increases in parallel with the stationary and transportation fuel cell industry, gasification facilities will likely be the top producer of renewable hydrogen fuel – mostly due to the low cost of production and the scalability of plants. This paper will discuss minor changes to gasification plants that plant operators can implement which will maximize the value of their assets, and enable them to easily create a product with higher purity and productivity.

Our instruments and plants have been delivered to many renowned organizations

Angstrom Advanced is now providing Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Boston, United States

Angstrom Advanced Inc now has the capability to provide the 50Kg/hour production capacity Hydrogen Fueling Stations, after collaborating with leading research organizations and national laboratories in the United States for years. This technology has made the Hydrogen Fueling Station ready for commercial operation around the world, and we are only waiting for the auto makers, such as Toyota, Honda, Daimler, Nissan, Audi and GM to release Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles in the next a few years.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.

Not only can Angstrom supply commercial scale Hydrogen Fueling Station, but we also integrated with residential scale hydrogen fueling machine, which allows every family to enjoy using 100% clean energy for their gas, heating and electricity need at home.

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing

Angstrom Advanced partnering with Ballard Corp

Braintree, United States

Braintree, Massachusetts, USA  Feb 22, 2012 – Angstrom Advanced Inc, the leader in Hydrogen technology is collaborating with Ballard Corp. of Burnaby, BC Canada to bring ground-breaking renewable energy systems to the International markets. Combining Angstrom’s innovations in hydrogen generation/storage, and Ballard’s fuel cell technologies, the collaboration is bringing customers closer to creating their own “carbon-neutral” energy.

Hydrogen technology has advanced in recent years, and Angstrom is taking innovation to the next level. After having recently completed testing their patents with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), Angstrom continues to push forward towards perfecting sustainable power systems using Hydrogen as a fuel carrier, the most abundant element on earth. Powered only by the fluctuating sources of sun or wind, the system is able to harness close to 100% of those sources to create immediate and stored power for any building over its lifetime.

With an open mindset and strong business relations, Angstrom is sure to be a leader in the new hydrogen economy. When many clients worldwide are looking to switch to Hydrogen, Angstrom Advanced Inc. analyzes the best avenues for design, build, and construction for each client. Having plants all around the world, Angstrom Advanced combines with technology from Ballard, and continues to make a difference for all citizens in the harnessing and long-term creation of clean energy

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products with highest standard of service at cost efficient pricing

2013 International Biomass Conference

April 9th 2013 Minneapolis, MN, United States

Angstrom Advanced Inc was invited to Minneapolis, MN to speak about the future of using Hydrogen (Steam Reforming and PSA technology) to improve Biomass development and economy, at the 2013 International Biomass Conference and Expo.

“Today we focus on hydrogen-from-biomass. As a renewable energy source, biomass can either be used directly, or indirectly—once or converted into another type of energy product such as bio-fuel.

By processing biomass through various routes, we can get lots of products such as bio oil, biogas, biodiesel, ethanol… but it’s better to transform them further to hydrogen through reforming reaction while collecting the carbon dioxide meanwhile.

The most important reason we adopt hydrogen as final energy carrier instead of other forms is the inherit properties of hydrogen:1) clean, 2) inexhaustible, 3) high energy density. ” More articles will be released about using Hydrogen in Biomass projects. Please pay attention to our press releases.

Angstrom Advanced Inc. designs, manufactures and supplies variety of scientific instruments and Hydrogen & Nitrogen plants for academic and industrial fields.